The Ableism of CBTCognitive Behavioral Therapy is sold as the solution for just about everything, with it’s “evidence based” claims wildly exaggerated. To…Feb 7, 202243Feb 7, 202243
Why I stopped selling my pain: on the commodification of traumaAny casual scrolling online will offer up a kaleidoscope of trauma narratives complete with selfies, traumatic stories used to sell me…Nov 27, 20216Nov 27, 20216
Still SickWhen I first became sick with cancer I was swathed in a cocoon of kindness tinged with other people’s fear. I received significant empathy…Aug 21, 20212Aug 21, 20212
meanwhileBecause to be alive is to listen to the whump thump of the heart valve clapping, one and then another, in and out, turning into a pulse.Oct 8, 20201Oct 8, 20201
TranslationWhen people say “herd immunity” is preferable and won’t stop posting articles about it, I hear eugenics.Apr 18, 20201Apr 18, 20201
the broken mendingIt happens often. And it can happen anywhere: with the Lyft driver I only just met, in doctor’s offices, social and art gatherings, work…Apr 12, 2019Apr 12, 2019
Gaslighting: the magic violence boxIf you put a woman in a box, and cut the box into pieces, is the woman whole or broken or both? If I tell you this a is a magic trick, does…Sep 24, 20184Sep 24, 20184